Just got it this afternoon via CityLinkExpress from vladmir. So there goes my burden, banking in over thousand into somebody's account is not as safe and most people are not willing to take the risk. The postage reached, safe and sound, nothing went wrong, everything was in there, minus the fact that the Black/Pink bagman was not to my liking. Well, I'm carrying it, I don't think that matters:P
400D Body with kit lens /w everything in box
Kenko 58mm UV Filter
Apacer 133X CF Card 2 Gig
LCD Protector
Bagman Trekker
Sample pictures are yet to be available, I will upload it after I try it at the seaside near my house. The new battery have to be charged for 8 hours before the very initial usage (:
I could not believe that I took myself more than a month to decide which model to get. I meant, it was HARD, having such a limited budget, being constantly poisoned, asking me to get a higher-end dSLR, having THREE one-sided-stories from fans from Canon, Nikon and Sony!
PS: Somehow I felt this layout doesn't give enough space for horizontally taken pictures... I will figure out

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