Mumble: My heartbeat nearly stopped on the night I pumped 90 ringgit just for 3 quarter of petrol.
Everything is finally behind me... Examinations are officially over and results would be out on 11th of June, I think... I'm going to pass?

There was just too much of studying. I studied without break from 10am to 2am, something I have not done before in life.

I took too many cups of coffee and decided to call it a stop, I had headache and my hands were shaky.

I did not dare to think of the consequences should I give up halfway... I only know it is far from what I could imagine. Even during times I feel like puking, I know nothing is worse than retaking, screwing up all my schedules and plans.

Just too many uncertainties ahead, I don't even know where I would be next Feb. Only sure thing is I will stay in Malaysia until that time.

Secret Recipe is a good place to study, just because the Subang branch is just way too far from occupied.

When I was so lost and so desperate for my comfort zone, I found my solace, the early morning.

It have been really long since the last time I remembered waking up early in the morning, except those times that I woke up for exams and early classes.

I really found my solace in the morning and I realised how stupid I were to miss out the moment that comes by everyday without fail.

It made me really busy for stopping by every few steps just to take picture of something but I swear it wasnt as tiring as it sounded.

I remember those days when I was a kid, waking up just to watch mother doing her chores and talking to her, I'm glad till this age, I still talk to her about almost everything.

And on my way back I realised there were balloons on each house along the street.

Or all of the streets.

Obviously they were the ones who did it, early in the morning!

It kept me wondering for quite a while what was that for.

It was advertisement for bank
financing services. I don't need them anyway.

This semester wasn't satisfying enough, things did not go as they were planned, I slacked during revision and I overlooked the importance of
keeping up with study weeks.

I can't afford a chance for it to happen again, no matter what god have planned for me, I don't think I'm supposed to fail.

Since exams are over, all I do is

I randomly present this car with a car plate very similar to

Some random malay kids with uniform similar to McDonald's,
McDonald's elementary?

This is the bad omen, before business law exam and the next day I got into accident, believe it or not, I prayed on the day before exam and the next morning I get accident.

It's just too early for dreams to end
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