Happy fathers' day!
I've got a present for you and I hope you liked it.
I had an accident this morning, an Unser parked and totally blocked my view I could not see but proceeded and I hit an Old Corolla or Sentra, could not be bothered anyway.
The extraordinary thing is that he was
extraordinary calm, just told me he would park his car first, came down and took my number, car plate and said he will call me later. After going to mechanics he told me he had an accident on Federal Highway 2 months ago, that explains a lot.
The funny thing is, my old run-down 11 years old Iswara which used to be the one my Dad drove to
construction sites is totally in good state. It was not even close to what we normally see at "paint job came off", it was... very very delicate, I bet it comes off after a carwash (nobody would polish that car). For your information, the bumper is made of synthetic plastic, it is no where near tough. It does not matter, either your car is made as tough as Milo tin or a tanker. Anyway my car rocks big shit and I would be laughing at myself 8 months ago if reject my father's offer to buy a new car for me but now this car is doing so well and it is... by all means
unholy. Very accident immune and a lot lot lot of fun driving it, I can feel every part moving inside the engine, how much the suspension is taking, how I should get the next corner. It is all in place.
I told people about it and I get some kinda funny comments:
I think you better take deferred paper, you are just so unluckyLucky boy!Aiyerrrr, why are you so stupid.So we just went to a mechanic and it quoted me RM320. Hmmm... I thought it was expensive but nothing can be done I guess. Especially after today's encounter. When I was about to withdraw, an Indian fellow was in front of me, he checked his balance and he had 20 ringgit left, he tried to withdraw 20 but machine rejected, then he tried to make a bank overdraft on ATM, tried 50 but it said insufficient fund. Later on he tried "Other services", read for a minute or so and finally went off after requesting for a receipt... Also, a few Malay guys were at KFC, talking about how they never tried lobster and another explaining that duck does not swim in the water (here I think he actually meant dive...). Where did the scholarships for Malay go?
I felt 320 ringgit was so so so worth it, at least it went for the correct thing. Its just the price for a speeding ticket... For knowing a "friend" (unrecommended way) and avoiding jurisdiction (I'm P), and giving me good luck for Business Law examination (it is a myth in Burma that they place a chicken underneath the vehicle's tyre and running over it before starting a journey, believing "worst had come" and the journey would be safe".
I would say it is of the most fruitless endeavour to tell somebody whether the petrol hike was reasonable or either way. Government did do something for us, mandating rear seat passengers to wear seat belts which was criticised heavily for the cost (of 15-30 ringgit) of installing on certain make of cars. Anyway people here are too powerless and too dumb to judge for what is for their own good sometimes, no point of giving them incentives. If I were in power, I would not even have bothered about free 20 cubic meter water, subsidy for motor vehicles and the subsidy system.
Going back to studies... Again I think judging a student on what have been done for the last few days before examination is plain shallow, more pop quizes more assignments please! Like I'm going to judge you on how much you know for driving theory and a month later you don't even know how to go by a roundabout.